




來源:http://www.adr7.cn/     發(fā)布時間:2018-01-08  

廚房排煙管道的水平段不宜太長,一般水平遠距離不應超過15m并且要有2%以上的坡度,水平末端設活接頭,以方便清理油垢。排風速度按規(guī)范不得低于 10m/s,以防風速過低使油附著于煙道上,接排風罩的支管應設風量調節(jié)閥。排煙管道的設計和安裝不合理,往往會造成廚房排煙不通暢,直接影響油煙凈化器的使用。
The exhaust pipe of the horizontal section of the kitchen should not be too long, the general level of the distance should not be more than 15m and have more than 2% slope, the level set the end of union, to facilitate the removal of grease. The air discharge speed is not lower than 10m/s according to the standard. The oil is attached to the flue by the wind speed too low, and the pipe of the exhaust hood should be set by the air quantity regulating valve. The design and installation of the exhaust pipe is not reasonable, which often causes the unobstructed smoke in the kitchen, which directly affects the use of the fume purifier.
Ventilation pipeline to improve the indoor environment, through mechanical ventilation to improve the environment, what kinds of mechanical ventilation do we usually have in common use?
Displacement ventilation: in displacement ventilation system, fresh air from the bottom of the room at a very low speed (o.03-o.59t/s) give, air temperature is only 2-4Y. into the fresh air because of high density and like water filled the whole room at the bottom of the heat caused by the heat generated within the room temperature of gas flow perpendicular to the Zen flow, flow slowly rising, from the work area, the waste heat and pollutants to the top of the room, by the end of the air outlet in the room at the top of the ceiling or discharged directly. Dilution ventilation: dilution ventilation and mixing ventilation, air and indoor air mixed free indoor pollutant concentration than low, thereby reducing the concentration of indoor pollutants, to achieve health standard.
Local ventilation ventilation is the use of local airflow, the local place is not affected by the contamination of harmful substances, resulting in good air environment. Local ventilation system is divided into local ventilation and local exhaust two categories. Local exhaust pollutants is local collection and purification before discharge to the outside air is the Bureau of the Ministry. After treatment, in line with the requirements of the air to the local place of work, to ensure the local air conditions. Local ventilation as a way to ensure the working and living environment air quality, technical measures to prevent pollution of indoor environment should be given priority.
