

來(lái)源:http://www.adr7.cn/     發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-27  

  What are the keys to the construction of iron ventilation pipes? The following is an introduction by the professionals of iron ventilation pipes:
  For more complex civil buildings, in the design stage, each type of work (HVAC, water supply and drainage, power supply and lighting and architecture) should first negotiate the space separation and determine the elevation range of each kind of pipeline.
  Normally, they should not go beyond the boundaries prescribed by themselves. Consultation with other projects should be conducted when there is an individual pipeline crossing the boundary. The criteria for dealing with the collision and coordination of various iron ventilation pipes are generally as follows: "Small pipes let big pipes, pressure let no pressure". For example, when a water pipe collides with an air pipe, the water pipe should turn. When the cold and hot water pipes collide with the sewer pipes, the cold and hot water pipes should be changed. Before the construction, the Engineer in charge of the equipment shall draw the pipelines of each type of work on a single plan. Each pipe uses a colour pen.
  Summarize the elevation at each intersection to see if there are any contradictions, find out in time, and deal with the problem before installation. In order to reduce investment, save space and reduce floor height, some pipes without inclination requirements can be laid through beams (such as tap water pipes, fire spraying trunk pipes, etc.).
  Maintenance of the air cooler can prolong its service life, effectively prevent odor and the formation of some bacteria, and will not threaten the health of the body; cleaning the wet curtain will not lead to the increase of motor pressure, the increase of current, and can save electricity.
  When winter comes, the unused water in the air-conditioner should be discharged cleanly first, in order to prevent the machine from freezing during the winter frost, which will affect the operation of the next year.
  Secondly, we should prevent and control rodents. When the air cooler is not working, it is the best choice for the rodents to spend the winter. We can put some rat nets or spray some rat poison to prevent the damp curtain of the air cooler from being damaged by the rats.
  Regular inspection of the pump, if found damages and loosening phenomenon to be timely maintenance.
  Finally, check whether the power supply and water source are closed, and cover the cooling fan shell with a special coat. If you want to know the common sense of cold air blower or ventilation duct, you can consult us, we will sincerely serve you!
