




來源:http://www.adr7.cn/     發(fā)布時間:2021-03-08  

Air is an important part of people's life. Without air, people will feel suffocated and unable to live. The oxygen in the air is also the basic element to maintain people's life. Therefore, we should always maintain indoor ventilation to meet people's demand for oxygen, which is also the role of ventilation pipe processing in people's life. But what quality problems will be involved in the processing process? Now Jinan qiangshun to introduce it.
Ventilation pipe is an important part of ventilation and air conditioning system, most of which are made of pipe processing equipment. However, due to a variety of reasons, it may lead to problems in the ventilation pipe processed by pipeline processing equipment.
1. Substandard processing materials
① Performance: the surface of the plate is not smooth, the thickness is not uniform, there are obvious indentation, cracks, sand holes and corrosion; the plane of the ventilation pipe sinks, the side protrudes outward, there is obvious deformation.
② Impact: the air leakage of ventilation duct during operation, the air conditioning load increases, and the air life and performance are affected.
③ Reason: the material is unqualified, which can't meet the demand of making ventilation pipe.
④ Measures: before using the ventilation pipe processing equipment to make the ventilation pipe, the factory certificate, material quality certificate and appearance thickness of the material should be checked to ensure that the material is available.
What quality problems will be involved in the process of ventilation pipe processing?
2. The warping angle and elbow angle of ventilation pipe are not accurate
① Performance: two relative planes and two ends of rectangular ventilation duct are not parallel; the angle is not straight; the diagonal is not equal; the bite is not tight.
② Influence: it will make the ventilation pipe connection stress uneven, after the installation of the ventilation pipe is not straight, flange gasket is not tight, system air leakage, resulting in air conditioning load loss, and shorten the service life.
③ Causes: the setting out of plate cutting is not accurate; the ventilation pipes are parallel, and the length and width of plate on the opposite side are not equal.
④ Measures: when unfolding and blanking, the angle of sheet metal shall be strictly square, and the length, width and diagonal of each sheet metal shall be inspected, so as to control their deviation within the allowable range; after blanking, the two sheets on the opposite side of the ventilation pipe shall be overlapped, and the dimensional accuracy shall be inspected.
The above is Jinan qiangshun ventilation pipe processing process will involve some of the quality problems, hope the above content to help you, if you need to install ventilation pipe, welcome to contact us at any time.
