




來源:http://www.adr7.cn/     發(fā)布時間:2024-01-04  

1. 材料選擇:通風管道應選用符合相關標準的優(yōu)良材料,如鍍鋅鋼板、不銹鋼、鋁合金等。材料應具有良好的耐腐蝕性能和機械強度。

1. Material selection: Ventilation ducts should be made of excellent materials that comply with relevant national standards, such as galvanized steel plate, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, etc. The material should have good corrosion resistance and mechanical strength.

2. 外觀檢查:通風管道應表面光滑、無明顯劃痕、凹陷和氧化現象。焊縫應平整均勻,無裂紋和氣孔。

2. Appearance inspection: The surface of the ventilation duct should be smooth, without obvious scratches, dents, and oxidation phenomena. The weld seam should be flat and uniform, without cracks or pores.

3. 尺寸精度:通風管道的尺寸應符合設計要求,長度、直徑和壁厚等參數應在允許范圍內,并保持一致性。


3. Dimensional accuracy: The size of ventilation ducts should meet the design requirements, and parameters such as length, diameter, and wall thickness should be within the allowable range and maintain consistency.

4. 連接方式:通風管道的連接部分應嚴密牢固,無滲漏現象。連接件如法蘭、螺紋接頭等應符合相關標準,并經過正確的安裝和密封處理。

4. Connection method: The connection part of the ventilation duct should be tight and firm, without any leakage. Connections such as flanges, threaded joints, etc. should comply with relevant standards and undergo correct installation and sealing treatment.

5. 氣密性測試:完成通風管道的安裝后,開始氣密性測試。通過對管道系統進行正壓或負壓測試,檢測是否存在漏風現象。

5. Air tightness test: After completing the installation of the ventilation duct, start the air tightness test. Detect for air leakage by conducting positive or negative pressure tests on the pipeline system.

6. 防火性能:通風管道應符合防火要求,具備一定的耐火時間和防火等級。焊接部位應進行防火涂層處理。

6. Fire resistance performance: Ventilation ducts should meet fire resistance requirements, have a certain fire resistance time and fire rating. The welding area should be treated with fireproof coating.

7. 防腐性能:通風管道應具備良好的防腐性能,能夠抵御腐蝕和氧化。表面可進行防腐涂層處理,如鍍鋅、噴塑等。

7. Corrosion resistance: Ventilation ducts should have good corrosion resistance and be able to resist corrosion and oxidation. The surface can be treated with anti-corrosion coatings, such as galvanizing, spray coating, etc.

8. 聲學性能:通風管道應具備一定的隔聲性能,能夠減少噪音傳播??刹捎梦舨牧线M行內襯處理。

8. Acoustic performance: Ventilation ducts should have certain sound insulation performance to reduce noise propagation. Sound absorbing materials can be used for lining treatment.

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