




來源:http://www.adr7.cn/     發(fā)布時間:2018-11-22  

1. 通風體系的分類辦法較多,按照不同的分類辦法有不同的稱號。
  1. There are many ways to classify the ventilation system. According to different ways of classifying, there are different titles.
  (1) According to the power of ventilation system
  Ventilation methods can be divided into natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation according to the different dynamic forces of air activity.
  1) 天然通風
  1) natural ventilation
  The principle of natural ventilation is shown in Fig. 2-1. Natural ventilation relies on the thermal pressure formed by the temperature difference between the surface and the inside of the room, or the pressure difference formed by the outdoor wind effect on the building, so that the indoor air can be exchanged and the indoor air environment can be improved.
  2) 機械通風
  2) mechanical ventilation
  Mechanical ventilation is the ventilation method that uses the power generated by the ventilator to make the air in the room surface communicate. Its advantages are: ventilation volume and pressure are not constrained by outdoor meteorological conditions, ventilation is relatively stable, air treatment is more convenient, ventilation conditioning is more sensitive.
  2. 按通風體系的效果規(guī)模劃分
  2. Classification of ventilation system according to its effect scale
  According to the effect of the ventilation system, the ventilation method can be divided into partial ventilation and comprehensive ventilation.
  1) 部分通風
  1) partial ventilation
  It is called partial ventilation that uses partial air supply and exhaust to control the transmission of pollutants in some areas of the room or to control the transmission of pollutants in some areas or to control the ventilation whose pollutant concentration meets the requirements of sanitary standards in some areas. Partial ventilation is divided into partial exhaust and partial supply.
  Part of exhaust air
  Part of the exhaust air is located at some sites where harmful substances are concentrated. The equipment for collecting harmful substances is set up to remove harmful substances in situ so as to control the dispersion of harmful substances into the room. Part of the exhaust system is shown in Fig. 2-2.
  Partial air supply
  Part of the air supply method is to use ventilators and ducts to directly send outdoor fresh air or air with certain parameters after treatment to the work address. This ventilation method is often used in high temperature workshops such as steelmaking and rusting.
  2) 通風
  2) comprehensive ventilation
  Full ventilation is to ventilate the whole room. All-round ventilation includes all-round ventilation, all-round air supply and all-round air supply and exhaust.
  Full ventilation
  Full ventilation is a ventilation method to remove harmful substances from the whole room. In order to prevent harmful substances from dispersing to other areas or Consulates as far as possible, mechanical ventilation can be used in areas or rooms where harmful substances are concentrated. Figure 2-4 is the simplest comprehensive mechanical exhaust system with an axial-flow fan installed on the wall.
  Full air supply
  The air supply system that delivers the air that meets the hygienic requirements to all parts of the room is called comprehensive air supply. It can be accomplished by natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation. The comprehensive mechanical air supply system is shown in Figure 2-5. Under the effect of the fan, the treated air is fed into all parts of the room through air ducts and air outlets, and the exhaust air can be discharged through air outlets or doors and windows.
  (3) Full air supply and exhaust
  In rooms where doors and windows are closed and natural ventilation or intake is difficult, a comprehensive air supply and exhaust system combined with comprehensive air supply shown in Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5 is often used.
